Trail Rider Magazine


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Editor in Chief Editor in Chief Kurt "Flash" Flachbart Kurt "Flash" Flachbart Editor Editor Carole White Carole White Photography Photography Kurt Flachbart Kurt Flachbart Shan Moore Shan Moore Contributors Contributors Jeff DeBell Jeff DeBell Jim Bird Jim Bird Joshua Schucker Joshua Schucker Marke ng/Swag Marke ng/Swag Patricia Rand Patricia Rand Subscrip on Address Subscrip on Address PO Box 1358 PO Box 1358 Naples, Maine 04055 Naples, Maine 04055 Web Site Web Site Email: Email: Published in the USA By: Published in the USA By: Kurt J. Flachbart Kurt J. Flachbart Haus of Power Publica ons Haus of Power Publica ons CONTENTS Volume 52 Number 3 Volume 52 Number 3 On the cover: Rachel Gu sh with great form On the cover: Rachel Gu sh with great form at NEPG's Round One in Sumter, SC. Trail Rid- at NEPG's Round One in Sumter, SC. Trail Rid- er is excited to have Rachel onboard as a new er is excited to have Rachel onboard as a new contribu ng editor! Photo by Shan Moore contribu ng editor! Photo by Shan Moore 16 NEPG Round One - Sumter! 16 NEPG Round One - Sumter! By Rachel Gu sh By Rachel Gu sh Business Info: Subscrip ons are available from Trail Rider Magazine, PO Box 1358, 04055 at $35 U.S Business Info: Subscrip ons are available from Trail Rider Magazine, PO Box 1358, 04055 at $35 U.S annually. Canadian subscrip ons are $80 yearly, in U.S. funds. We're not selling overseas subscrip- annually. Canadian subscrip ons are $80 yearly, in U.S. funds. We're not selling overseas subscrip- ons any more. To pay by credit card or Paypal log onto and hit the subscribe ons any more. To pay by credit card or Paypal log onto and hit the subscribe bu on or give us a call at 207 583 5485 bu on or give us a call at 207 583 5485 Trail Rider Magazine is published monthly by Haus of Power Publica ons, 48 Trails End, Naples ME Trail Rider Magazine is published monthly by Haus of Power Publica ons, 48 Trails End, Naples ME 04055. Periodicals postage paid at Naples ME and addi onal mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send 04055. Periodicals postage paid at Naples ME and addi onal mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Trail Rider Magazine, PO Box 1358, Naples ME 04055 address changes to Trail Rider Magazine, PO Box 1358, Naples ME 04055 5 Flashback! Flashback! Let's Get it On! Let's Get it On! 8 Preston Pe y, The Man Preston Pe y, The Man By Paul Stannard By Paul Stannard 26 Fa gue and Remedies for Relief 26 Fa gue and Remedies for Relief By Kurt Flachbart By Kurt Flachbart 22 No Soup In This Box 22 No Soup In This Box By Paul Danik By Paul Danik 28 Overland Expo West - Part Two 28 Overland Expo West - Part Two By Jim Bird By Jim Bird 34 Pre-Millennial Feature: 1996 KTM 550 MXC 34 Pre-Millennial Feature: 1996 KTM 550 MXC By Kurt Flachbart By Kurt Flachbart

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