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34 Trail Rider Pre-Millennial Feature Pre-Millennial Feature 1996 KTM 550 MXC 1996 KTM 550 MXC By Kurt Flachbart By Kurt Flachbart Now some of you might raise an eyebrow to a 1996 motorcycle being considered vintage, but the fact of the ma er is we're all growing older and although it might not seem that long ago to many of us, 1996 was twenty six full years ago. Yes, over a quarter of a century. Regardless, why get excited about a 1996 dirt bike? Well it fits in perfectly with AHRMA's new Pre 2K class of 1995 to 1999. Also equally exci ng is AHRMA's new three race format. Vintage bikes race in the morning, Post Vintage mid-day and Pre 2K for the final event of the day. This allows glu ons for punishment three gate drops of racing making long treks to events worthwhile. I've got to admit, I'm excited about this new Pre 2K class as there's no ques on that bikes of the mid to late 90's s ll have a lot to offer and handle pre y damn good even compared to today's modern offerings. As a man of larger girth, big bores fit me well. Dirt bikes of this era are typically long wheelbase, large machines and the ergonomics seem to fit this big German quite well. As for power, "too much is just enough" has always been my mo o and the hunt for a big bore Pre 2K bike began. I'll have to thank my friend and Canadian subscriber Olivier Perron for ligh ng the fire for a late model, big bore KTM. Olivier's feature of his 1995 550 MXC in the May 2021 issue of Trail Rider piqued my interest and the hunt for a KTM 550 began. It was during an email exchange with Olivier that he men oned a bu erscotch orange 1996 550 MXC that he knew of in the Boston area that just might be for sale. Now those who chase old bikes are well aware of the crazy "Covid pricing" that's happening in today's world. Sellers seem to be asking the stars and the moon for vehicles and dirt bikes are no different.

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