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Be mindful of the me zones: On the way to the airport, I called Billy Schlag, friend and promoter of the USSE series, to ask him about work opportuni es stringing or pulling course ribbon, and to tell him how proud of me he would be, as I drove my s ck shi rental through the countryside (he was the first per- son to try teaching me). Unfortunately, as I realized upon calling my mom right a erwards, it was 2am back home and not 2pm… I'm generally embarrass- ment-proof, but that was a doozy. I sent an apology text and all things considered he took it pre y well and we both laughed it off. Universality: Moto people are largely the same no ma er where you find them. If anything, they might be friendlier over here and my compe tors (mostly people I know from ISDE, to be fair) welcomed me with smiles and open arms. Despite the language and cultural differences too, everybody speaks motorcy- cle (braaaap braap). Take the leap: I came into EnduroGP at the last minute, without nearly the planning or prepara on I would have liked. I spent lots of me wandering around hot, cold, lost, hungry, unse led, or confused. I crashed repeatedly and made so many errors, some fully within my control, others that I had no way to counter. But, with that being said, I am so happy I decided to take that blind leap of faith. I've had so much fun over here, and some mes in life you just have to go for things when the opportuni- ty presents itself, ready-or-not-here-I-come! 1-2-8-3 isn't a bad start to my European Vaca on, and I'm ed for second place in points. My 8 th is going to hurt me, but I s ll have a figh ng chance in the championship. As I write this, I have 65 days un l the next round in Italy, and intend to make the most of them, and do everything I can to make my country proud! Quiz answers 1) Gobchester 2) True, and yes she did. 3) Just one, but Spain is a fairly large country 4) Pizza, and anyone who raced that EnduroGP more than earned it! March 2024 29 AHRMA NATIONAL 2 DAY CROSS COUNTRY STATE LINE CHALLENGE 238 FURLONG ROAD, NORTH POWNAL, VT 05261 Promoter classes Post 2K XC Saturday & Vintage/PV/NG MX Sunday TBA

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