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16 Trail Rider Nick is no stranger to the front of the pack or the rocks and quickly took the lead away from Adam. As the rain rolled in the condi ons worsened, but Nick would hold strong in first with a two-min- ute gap over Adam in second. Michael Bloom fought hard in third to chip away at the gap, but it wouldn't be enough finishing just thirty seconds behind. Although it is s ll early in the season, these two are quickly becoming the tle favorites. Round one winner Cody WIlliams would finish in fi h, struggling in some of the tougher New England terrain. Cody seems to be figuring out these longer races and could be a definite threat as well if he decides to race the series. The third and most recent round was arguably one of the most grueling races in recent years. The lengthy eleven-mile course weaved through just about everything the CATRA property has to of- fer. Fast and fun pine groves in the upper por on would wind down to the shadier and swampy back por ons of the property. The leaders of the AA class were doing thirty-five-minute laps, making it a tough call for race officials to either stop the race ten minutes early or run the race thirty minutes longer. Reigning AA champion Olin Daniels took advantage of the GNCC off weekend to visit family and friends back home and run the number one plate for the first me this year. Nick Kordana also made an appearance once again on the YZ 125 machine, set- ng the stage for an all-out brawl between the two heavy hi ers in the woods of Fish House, New York. It was the rookie Tyler Rocha who would lead them early on a er the first lap. Adam Lewis and Nick Kordana followed close behind. A er ge ng squeezed off the start and coming through the pack, Olin sat pa ently in fi h. As the race wore on and the loamy pine sec ons deteriorated, Tyler would drop back to third behind Adam and Nick. But as Nick was looking to make a charge for the lead, disaster struck when he lost his chain in one of the many deep ruts. A er losing two and a half minutes he would remount in fourth and start his charge again towards the front. Meanwhile, Olin was star ng to show why he has that number one plate, passing Tyler and Adam to move into first and open up a minute-and-a-half gap over the rest of the field. They would cross the finish line one hour and fi y-two minutes into what normally is a two-hour race.

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