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June 2024 9 Gary Jones, Ron Lawson, Don Williams Gary Jones, Ron Lawson, Don Williams At 1 p.m., the panel truck hauling the not-yet- revealed Super Hunky Memorial headed for the Husky Memorial. Keep in mind that the des na- on is about 20 miles of sandy/dirt roads from U.S. Route 395—the nearest pavement. Appropriate for a ride of this type, there wasn't a lot of organiza on. Everyone headed out to 20 Mule Team Parkway, and off we went. No one was designated as the ride leader, and I don't think there was a chase rider. You were on your own, though there were lots of people. The group paused at Cuddeback Lake, which had reverted to dry for the occasion. The group started splintering as we took off across the lake at various speeds, and the leaders were gone. A group of riders, maybe 20 or so, consolidat- ed at the lake's edge. No one was claiming to know the way to the Husky Memorial and no one wanted to lead. A passing rider who wasn't there for the event pointed a road out to me and said, "That road will take you to the Husky Memorial." That was enough for me, and suddenly, I was leading a group of 20 riders through the Mojave Desert, even though I didn't know exactly how to get to where I wanted to go. I had seen the Husky Memorial on a map, so I had a rough idea, but that's all. Regardless, every- one seemed happy to follow me, and off we went. This was star ng to sound like one of Super Hunky's From The Saddle columns—perfect. Eventually, I came to an intersec on and stopped, as I felt we were ge ng close. Lo and behold, I looked south, and there it was. We had overshot it by a short distance, but I s ll had managed to pull a jackrabbit out of the helmet. There was a nice crowd of people milling around, including quite a few that came from other direc ons and were not part of the ride, including a pair of classic Triumph desert sleds—a favorite bike of Super Hunky. Among those a endees who weren't part of the "offi- cial" ride were current and decades-long Dirt Bike Editor Ron Lawson and three- me AMA Motocross Na onal Champion Gary Jones. I've had the privilege of knowing both for a long me and was happy to see them.

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