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28 Trail Rider AHRMA Sutton Station Switcheroo AHRMA Sutton Station Switcheroo By Joshua Schucker By Joshua Schucker Photos By Lorena Walker Photos By Lorena Walker "Hey Dale, you know that race we're having at your place this fall?" "Yeah Jamie, I can't wait to see everyone, that was a lot of fun last year!" "Well…I can shorten the wait for you if you'd like." "How's that?" "Wanna move it up a bit…like in the next couple of weeks?!" "If you can pull it off…DO IT!" This was the culmina on of a flurry of conver- sa ons leading up to round three of AHRMA Mid-Atlan c's 2024 season. You see, round three was supposed to take place at a new property for the series, but copious amounts of spring precipita on was making access to the property challenging. With course prepara on ac vi es delayed and the early May race date quickly ap- proaching, postponement was beginning to look like a definite possibility. While the series' volunteer leadership team dis- cussed the logis cs and challenges of postponing an event in an already filled season schedule, the mind of contributor Jamie Reitz was concoc ng an intriguing alterna ve…if he could get everyone on board. Jamie heads up the race at Su on Sta on, which was scheduled for September. With the buy-in from Dale and Lori Reynolds, the extremely gener- ous and accommoda ng landowners, and a can-do a tude in regards to making short work of ge ng the property ready for ac on in a limited meframe, Jamie proposed a date swap idea to MA coordina- tor Dave Kutskel and new venue head honcho Mick Spisak. Once the approvals were gathered, everyone jumped into ac on to no fy the race community and get the Su on Sta on motocross (MX) and cross-country (CC) courses prepped. Thankfully, the father/son duo of Jim and Jamie Reitz spend a good deal of me throughout the off-season scou ng and planning on the Reynolds' property, so there was already a near-finalized layout in mind for the CC por on. Also, with the MX track being newly constructed last season, and raced in September, the ground did not need major earthworks. John Ashcra John Ashcra

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