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July 2024 9 turned out as did thousands of spectators. The first year was a wet one and had one substan al and greasy hill that was pre y much Blackwater 100 style, lined with hundreds of fans cheering the crashes and loopouts. Local pros Nick and Alex Brawner took the two top spots. Last year's event was dry, dusty, and made for some incred- ibly fast racing, which also resulted in several spectacular crashes and injuries. The Brawner brothers made it a repeat with Nick taking first again with li le brother Zack grabbing second from Alex. I rode sweep last year along with about 20 other course marshals. Groups of us were assigned to one of four zones on the course, and I got zone 3 which was the really fast stuff outside of town. I burned two tanks of gas and shredded a rear re running lap a er lap of the scary high-speed stuff scou ng out injured or broken-down riders. The Brawners and other pros were absolutely flog- ging their bikes on this part of the course which included a couple of miles of WFO stuff across open pastures, around a quarry, and a straight one-mile top gear pin in l you win it shot down a gravel farm road. Rev limiters got a workout as the pros came broad-sliding through corners back into the pasture. Working the course is the best of both worlds for me at age 67. I got in all the riding I wanted, helped a few riders along the way, and got to spectate all the best spots. It was so much fun I signed up again this year. The one-hour vintage race ran at 10 AM and was won handily by ISDT/E vet and reigning Vintage World Trophy champ Fred Hoess who put nearly 5 minutes between himself and the rest of the field. The 100-mile main event kicked off at 1 PM and, like the vintage race, had classes for all ages and skill levels with the addi on of a team cate- gory which always adds excitement in the pit and team swap area. The vintage course was about 6 miles and had a lot of ght single track mixed in with some romps through higher-speed grass track sec ons. About 125 vintage racers lined up and other than the modern riding gear, the start- ing line could have been out of any issue of a 70s motorcycle magazine with riders aboard Huskies,

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