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36 Trail Rider About a dozen ago and with a renewed in- terest in trail riding, Jim had Ossa and Bulta- co legend Bob Hogan from Hogan Cycles in Agawam, Massachuse s perform a complete engine overhaul with new crank, bearings and bore. Jim had all the bodywork professionally pained and striped. As with many dreams, once completed, Jim realized his days of beat- ing his body through the woods on an old bike were behind him and the shiny fresh Ossa was once again pushed into the basement. It would take another 10 years before your ed- itor Kurt ran into his old friend Jim. A chance encounter at a fundraiser for a mutual friend, Jim found me in a crowd and asked if I was s ll into collec ng vintage dirt bikes. Of course, the answer was yes and Jim men oned he s ll had his old Ossa and wanted to know if I would be interested. Less than a week later, we rolled it into the shop. As for this par cular vintage feature, other than a good deep cleaning and a few minor consumables, this old Pioneer is ready to ride. Plans are to plate it and enjoy it around camp roads in our li le town in Maine. Having owned a few Ossas of this genera on, I find the gearing perfect for doing just this. With a tall fi h gear, they go down the road quite well yet s ll have plenty of grunt for some serious trail rid- ing and possible vintage racing if desired. The huge bonus of resurrec ng an old Ossa is unlike what most people think, with parts suppliers such as Vintco and Alex Snoop's Ossa Parts and Service, replacement parts are never an issue. Old rides such as this are so rewarding to wake up and enjoy. The vintage community is ght and the people are the best. If something like this strikes your fancy, I highly recommend a ending a vintage ride or race. Even if you don't have a bike, there's always someone willing to let you throw a leg over and see if it's for you. If so before you know it, you're bi en!

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