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August 2024 25 Once into the woods, riders were treated to a cra- zy fun steep climb winding its way up the side of a small mountain. Thro le control was of utmost im- portance with greasy loose shale everywhere. This sec on was a hoot as it was seemingly endless with several switchbacks and grew steeper with each leg. Just as we thought it couldn't get any steeper, rac- ers were treated to "Heartbreak Hill", a slick rock ledge that claimed many bikes. Momentum was key and those who carried it well had no problem while those who fumbled soon created a pile-up with res spinning wildly searching for nonexistent trac on. Huge thanks to the handful of young bucks gathered at this treacherous loca on for all their help in as- sis ng those less talented up and over the ridge. Once Heartbreak Hill was crested, the course con n- ued along an old logging road that followed the top ridge of the mountain then the fun ramped up again with some steep descents that flowed into a fresh- ly cut loose downhill that challenged even the most highly maintained drum-braked bikes. A real white knuckler for sure. The remainder of the course was another mile of flowing two-track that rolled up and down the hillside leading back to the grass track sec- on. Having helped arrow the ISDT reunion last year, I thought I knew the area well but in reality, I'd only been privy to a slice of what Pownal has to offer. Huge thanks to Trail Bosses Marc Bo esi, Jamie Jelley, Jamie Elwell, and Don Bierwirth for laying out such a fun and flowy course that challenged all who a ended this epic event. ISDE vet Bil- ly Burns and his Can-Am 175 TNT were on fire all week- end and handily overalled the event. Watching Burns shred the grass track was quite a treat, the man s ll has talent of epic propor ons! Yes, the weather was brutally hot but hey, it is summer, and we might as well enjoy it as much as we can before the curtain drops. As for your editor Kurt, oh yes, I enjoy the racing, but I also enjoy the camaraderie and bench racing amongst the race family equally. The a er-feast of boiled Maine lobster and campfire-cooked prime rib wasn't too tough to take either! I'd also like to give thanks to Merri Brown, Ed Roman, and so many other AHRMA Northeast volunteers for all their efforts in pu ng together such a fine event. It's events like this that con nue to keep the fire burning for this crazy sport we all love so much! -Kurt

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