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14 Trail Rider Touratech DirtDaze Rally Touratech DirtDaze Rally August 14-18 North Haverhill, New Hampshire August 14-18 North Haverhill, New Hampshire By Kurt Flachbart By Kurt Flachbart Based out of the iconic North Haverhill, New Hamp- shire fairgrounds, home of the much loved Am- monoosuc River Ride, Touratech's DirtDaze Rally was once again a tremendous amount of fun. What's DirtDaze, you ask? It's an adventure bike rally host- ed by ADV motorcycle parts, gear, and accessories distributor Touratech. The draw is huge, with nearly 1000 motorcycle enthusiasts from all over the globe. Having now a ended DirtDaze for this third year, I'm hooked as it's so different from events we typically cover. I'll do my best to paint the picture. North Haverhill, New Hampshire, is located in the middle of the state, and the event is situated at a picturesque fairground on the Connec cut River that divides New Hampshire from Vermont. With endless lush green rolling hills and quaint li le towns seem- ingly stuck in me, just being there is a treat. What makes DirtDaze so much fun is the people drawn from all walks of life. The common denominator in this situa on is all in a endance are motorcyclists. Some rookies just entering the sport with enthusi- asm like a kid at Christmas, some casual to the sport as a form of entertainment and others totally con- sumed with all things two wheeled. The vast majori- ty are mul ple motorcycle owners. Another interes ng point of men on is that Dirt- Daze seems to a ract more women riders than we see all season. The event spans five days, beginning on Wednes- day and wrapping up Sunday a ernoon. Most camp at the fairgrounds. The list of ac vi es and rides is impressive, with gear and acces- sory manufacturers displaying their latest and greatest products. One of my favorite ac vi es while a ending DirtDaze is demo rides. For 2024, Honda, Yamaha, Triumph, and Harley Davidson had their semi-trucks all polished up with their fleets of demo bikes. Having an opportunity to burn someone else's fuel is always fun, and your editor, Kurt took advantage of this opportunity by working my way into five test rides that we'll dive into deeper in this story. Most people explore the area by taking ad- vantage of the many guided rides available. All guided rides are scenic and fun and take you to a fun lunch des na on, with lunch included in the price of the ride. Groups are small, typically no more than 15 riders, and include a lead and sweep guide.

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