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22 Trail Rider AHRMA Ashcraft Farms Regional AHRMA Ashcraft Farms Regional By Joshua Schucker By Joshua Schucker Photos By Lorena Walker Photos By Lorena Walker This season marks the sixth me that AHRMA's Mid-Atlan c and Northeast regions have huddled together for a summer me showdown in the hills north of State College, Pennsylvania. Without fail, each year our hosts Brian and Lisa Ashcra con nue to outdo themselves in hospitality and event prepa- ra on. From the very first me the pin was pulled on the rubber band start in 2019, Ashcra Farm has been a bright spot on the schedule and remains so through the present. As with any event, these things take a solid investment of sweat equity to pull off, and the Ashcra family certainly has relied heavily on their extended family of Uncle Brian's ba alion of two-wheeled troops, an exceedingly talented group of trail ride regulars familiar with the Ash- cra 's slice of moto paradise. For the first five years, one such regular consistently contributed me and effort into ensuring the success of this two-day motocross/cross-country affair. From ini al pre-2019 concept phase, to hanging ribbon and cu ng limbs, to recrui ng friends and co-workers, to pounding stakes in the Ashcra 's ca le pasture, Paul "Gud" Hardy was omnipresent in prepara on and execu- on of a renowned vintage extravaganza. This year's event was dedicated to Gud and his family as the Paul "Gud" Hardy Memorial Ride. Of course, the gut-punch, catch-22 of calling anything a "memorial" typically means there was an awful prerequisite. Sadly, Gud was recently taken from this world far too young, and while we can hope he is prac cing for the Lord's MXoN team as we speak, the void le in the lives of his wife Dawn and children Gage and Lucas is incalculable. So, this weekend, we focus on the posi ve side of the catch-22 and pay homage to his memory amongst his people and share with his family the strength, honor, and love the motorcycling community does so well. It is important to take these moments as reminders to be grateful for the remarkable and awe-inspiring community that we find our- selves in whether you categorize it as AHRMA, vintage, motorcycle, off-road, racer, race fan, or all the above or more. Thanks for all you did to support the sport Gud, and to everyone else, hug someone you love today. Perhaps the best way to memorialize is to enjoy life in the moment as you would hope Gud would want. Nik Dudukovich Emily Reichart Harold Silbaugh Nik Dudukovich Emily Reichart Harold Silbaugh

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