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September 2024 25 Ian Gingrich Gavin Zerance Ian Gingrich Gavin Zerance ing affairs held here, but also very rewarding. Not in a "I survived Tough Like Ashcra " way, but more of a "proving your me le as a skilled rider" sense of accomplishment. Whether comple ng one lap or twelve, you did well. Another great weekend in the books in Happy Val- ley, as we've come to expect over the years. And, as anyone who has followed the Mid-Atlan c/Northeast region's exploits recently, it was finally rain-free. Sure, there was dust, there was heat, but no rain was a welcome reprieve a er a seemingly yearlong ba le with the wet side of the force. I'd like to think Gud was above holding the rain spigot closed so we could enjoy the weekend, because not long a er the final cross country race concluded, the skies darkened has ly and unloaded a twenty minute torrent. Thanks Gud! And, thanks to the Ashcra family for the con nued hospitality, their loyal group of assistants that help prepare and operate the weekend's events, the AHRMA region's crews for keeping the wheels turning, everyone that par cipated in the pre-race Parade for Paul and the outpouring of support for his family, and the sponsors that provide fuel to feed the fire of rac- ing desire; Potomac Vintage Riders, Preston Pe y Products, Stainless Cycle, Grove Prin ng, KMI Prin ng, Horizon Homes, and M3One. Anthony Lowery Bre Reichart Anthony Lowery Bre Reichart

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