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Flashback! September 2024 5 The month of August has been nothing short of a whirl- wind of ac vity here at Trail Rider. Notable highlights include the 25 th annual Hancock Quarry Run hosted by the Bear Creek Sportsmen's Associa on. Based on the banks of the Delaware River in the sleepy town of Hancock, New York, the Quarry Run is always a favorite of many. Hats off to all the landowners who allow us dirt freaks to enjoy their beau ful slice of this region. With breathtaking views and seem- ingly endless climbs and descents, we understand why 700+ hearty souls signed up for two days of camping, ea ng, and, of course, riding! Huge thanks to all involved in pu ng on another tremen- dously successful Quarry Run and we hope you enjoy the feature deeper in this issue. Touratech DirtDaze, technically an adventure bike rally, was also huge fun. This year's event marks our third year a ending and riding DirtDaze. It has its own vibe and personality with par cipants from all over the globe and all ability levels. Spanning five days, ac vi es are plen ful, and the rides, guided and solo, wind through the hills and valleys of the border towns of New Hampshire and Vermont. For 2025, Honda joined Harley-Davidson, Yamaha, and Triumph with their semi trucks all polished up displaying their ADV models. Speaking of Honda, massive respect for hiring so many veterans to run their demo program. Honda ran a ght ship at this event and ensured all test rid- ers were safe and enjoyed their me aboard their latest and greatest ADV and dual-sport models. Yamaha also deserves men on as they cater to their customers like no other at DirtDaze, with a sea of blue Yamaha tents available to those who arrive on a Yamaha. For only $75.00, Yamaha owners can stay in the "Yamaha Village" for the en re five days. Included are a cot, air ma ress, and use of their showers. That's a pre y good deal in my book! As for Triumph, the men running the show did a great job leading the event's most spirited demo rides. As for the new Triumph's, your editor Kurt was quite impressed with how they did so much so well. A jovial group, these fine folks answered every ques on intelligently and with a smile. I can't wait to see what Triumph has brewing for the off-road world, as I'm sure it will be exci ng. Yes, August was certainly a lot of fun, but the crowning jewel of August events had to be the gath- ering of champions held at off-road legend Charlie Vincent's farm on the coast of Maine. No doubt this get together will be remembered for years to come. Orchestrated by mul ple gold medal ISDT/E compe tor and four- me Blackwater 100 winner Kevin Lavoie, Kevin and a few others gath- ered together the 1975 United States Silver Vase Team. That's right, Don Culter, Kevin Lavoie, Char- lie Vincent, Max Markowitz, and Team Manager Marcia MacDonald all got together on a beau ful Saturday a ernoon to catch up and enjoy each other's company. As expected, several other heroes and champions were in the group, such as Jack Penton, Paul Danik, Dave Latham, Bob Hogan, and Dave Aho. With smiles miles wide, the bench racing was flowing rapidly. With the en re 1975 Ossa team onsite and three of the four original Ossa Desert Phantom team bikes on hand, we did our best to recreate the iconic photo taken in October of 1975 at the Isle of Man. Trail Rider readers can look forward to a full feature of this fun gathering in the upcoming October issue!

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