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24 Trail Rider Flashing the TSP map to the ECU Flashing the TSP map to the ECU TBI powervalve actuator and stock cover TBI powervalve actuator and stock cover I'd also like to men on that, as with the GET ECU, the TSP ERM is also fully tunable via individual cells across the en re RPM range and thro le posi on openings. Addi onal diagnos c features that are included with the TSP ERM are the ability to read and clear codes; test run the fuel pump, check for spark without turn- ing the engine over, fire the injectors and inspect the spray pa ern, prime the oil injec on pump and reset the electronically actuated power valve. Other enhanced features include the ability to adjust the amount of fuel delivered during cold start. The factory map is pre y rich when cold, and many have found it's not uncommon to fowl a spark plug during warm-up. I elected to use this feature and dialed back the cold start fueling 25%. Those who run hard enduro will appreciate the ability to adjust the temps at which the cooling fan runs. Basically, in hard-enduro condi ons, if the fan is constantly running, the ba ery can even- tually get drained of power. The last and possibly the most powerful feature of the TSP ERM is the ability to adjust stoichiometric values for fuel quality availability. If you find yourself in a loca on with poor quality/low octane fuel, you can dial back the stoichiometric num- ber. If you want to run race fuel, you can adjust for that, too. This feature automa cally adjusts fuel and igni on without the need to manually adjust the cells. When tes ng, I've always found it best to only change one thing at a me. Now with the ERM all sorted out, we then installed the TSP Oversize Powervalve Cover. As one who's seen a few snake oil products over the years, such as the Answer Products Roost Boost, a gimmick item that was supposed to increase voltage to the spark plug yet proved to do nothing, even possibly hindering performance. I raised an eye- brow but kept an open mind on how a deeper PV cover could aid in performance. While researching how this larger capacity cover could add a bot- tom-end boost, I learned the power valve actuator on TBI models is open to the exhaust port. TSP experimented with different size power valve cover spacers on the dyno and found adding more volume to the PV actuator chamber added a bit more hp and torque at a lower rpm of approximately 3000- 5000. The installa on was simple enough: pull the pipe, remove the stock cover, install the TSP cover, and we were back in the woods quickly enough. Yes, the difference is no ceable, not dras c, but you can feel it. Basically, when the motor is only making 10 hp, and you add another 1 hp, that li le bit of extra grunt is appreciated, especially in higher gears while searching for trac on. TSP Oversize Power Valve Cover TSP Oversize Power Valve Cover

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