22 Trail Rider
have always been of the opinion
that dirt bike riding is more art
than science. That being said,
proper technique for riding the
rocks can be broken down in to a
three part equaon. The proper
approach for dealing with rock gar-
dens is oen counterintuive: keep
your speed up and aack. But be-
fore you grab a gear and aack, you
need to have your bike properly set
Take your suspension for example:
run it too sff and you will deflect
all over and place and increase your
chances of crashing. Run it too so
and it will boom out, deflect, and
increase your chance of crashing -
and rock gardens are a nasty, unfor-
giving place to lay it down.
Having your suspension properly di-
aled is sll only a third of the equa-
Story by Kevin Novello
Photos by Art Pepin