December 2016 37
be doing some "crea ve surgery"
cu ng up por ons of the two
frames to make one good one. I
do my own welding and fabrica on
so this does not increase the cost
of the project, just addi onal me
to sort all that out.
The next item was the Sachs
125/6B engine from Roach 2 I was
planning on using for the build.
This bike spent way too many
years outdoors in the elements
and going into this, I was hoping
that the engine never fi lled with
water. When I pulled the clutch
cover, I was hoping for a "Jed
Clampe " moment; you know,
a river of beau ful Spectro 80W
gear oil spilling out, but it wasn't
to be. Instead about an ounce of
water and just a couple ounces of
really funky smelling old oil spilled
out. The photo below looks nasty,
but it wasn't all bad. I suspect
the small amount of water in the
engine came in a drop at a me via
the clutch cable based on the level
of the crud in the bo om of the
cases, but the water never raised
to a level where it could damage
the transmission. A er pulling the
clutch and removing some old crud
from the shi selector boss, I was
able to get the bike to go through
all six gears without a lot of eff ort.