Trail Rider Magazine

Trail Rider December 2016

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8 Trail Rider 8 Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Trai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai a l l l l Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ri Ride de de de de de de de de de de d r r r r www ww.T .Tra rail ilRi Ri Ri Ri Ride de de d r. com Let's face it, daylight savings me can be a huge drag. Even more so living in the northeast with darkness approaching mid-a ernoon, and, in most cases, pu ng an abrupt halt on a er-work rip sessions. Yup, a bummer for sure. Not sure if global warming has anything to do with it, but in recent years we've seen some magnifi cent fall weather with temps way above average and minimal rain to dampen the spirits. This fall, in par cular, we had many days of excep onal riding, but with daylight savings approaching, we knew the days would soon be cut much shorter with heading back to the barn mid-a ernoon before darkness was about to be the norm. Sure modern enduro bikes are fi ed with a headlight and tail light; however, the ligh ng we've grown used to might be suffi cient to get you out of the woods if stuck a er dark, but it's certainly not up to the task of allowing any real night riding. You know those warm fall a ernoons where you're si ng at work dreaming of ripping your favorite single track, possibly heading out a er work for a nice rip, only to snap out of it once you realize by the me you're home and suited up, darkness has fallen. Yes, reality can be a drag but fortunately with companies such as Trail Tech ( we've got some great op ons for night riding that won't break the bank. While cruising the aisles at the most recent AIMExpo in Orlando, Florida, Trail Rider met with Trail Tech's Brain DeHate and discussed op ons for occasional night trail riding. Brian suggested star ng out with their X2 halogen package for our '16 KTM 200XC-W. This is a direct "plug and play" headlight upgrade. The X2 is a dual beam, high/ low light, whereas the stock KTM light is a single halogen bulb with a ny running light. Installa on required swapping out the exis ng kill switch for their handlebar mounted, mul func on, on/off , high/low beam, kill switch. (included in the X2 light kit) Installa on was a breeze — other than Trail Tech X2 Halogen Headlight Upgrade Bring on the Night!

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