since we got caught in the dark. Another neat feature is the automa c oil injec on — no need to carry
oil with you!
Most impressive is the Beta 300 rr motor. Not only did it have a ton of bo om end where you could
just lug it down low, but it also pulled very hard on the top end — much stronger than I expected.
Suspension overall felt balanced, just a li le so for my liking. With heavier springs, I'm sure it'd be
great, even with the stock valving.
Overall, I was really impressed. Other than making a few personal tweaks (bars and levers posi oning
and a taller seat and springs at both ends), I wouldn't hesitate to race the Beta. The Beta is no joke
as it's a true player in the off -road market from the racing world to the casual weekend warrior and
shouldn't be overlooked.
Mike Nash
A Senior Rider
Reno, NV `
December 2016 23