A er playing around our technical test trails near the offi ce, it also felt like the hearty but some mes
too strong bo om was tamed slightly. Another noteworthy benefi t was how it now idles clean without
eventually dying.
I'm sure you're all wondering, is this upgrade really worth the money? Well, no ques on, these bikes
aren't cheap, and if you're riding a modern woods ride these days, you're probably not on your
last nickel. If you like your machinery to perform at its peak and always striving for improvement,
absolutely. If you're frugal with your money, it's also an improvement that will pay for itself over
me in fuel savings alone. As men oned above, reports of 20-30% increases in fuel economy are not
uncommon. That's nothing to sneeze at!
In closing, it's a rare occasion for a product that worked so well literally decades ago, should be
rediscovered and found to work incredibly well in today's world. Is the Lectron retro? Not sure, as it
actually never really went away. Probably the best descrip on for this incredible product would be
meless in design. Most likely, best described as a design far ahead of its me.