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Page 23 of 40 Needle changes are made in minutes Needle changes are made in minutes In the never-ending search for perfec on, we spent a fair amount of me in je ng the modified Xtrain- er. Fresh out of the crate, our bike was lean for our colder New England climate. We did most of our ini al tes ng during the winter months with temps in the mid-teens to low-twen es. To cure a bot- tom-end lean knock and hanging idle, we dropped the clip one notch and this seemed to work per- fectly with the air screw 1.5 turns out. Once we installed the pipe and free-flowing air filter cage, we knew the stock je ng wouldn't be up to the task and that's when we reached out to our friends at JD Je ng. Fortunately JD offers a kit specifically for the Xtrainer that includes two different needles (one blue-topped, the other red), a few main jets and a pilot jet. Also included are instruc ons for je ng your Xtrain- er in stock form or fi ng with an a ermarket pipe and unrestricted filter cage. As a bonus, JD included a red anodized toolless air screw. JD Jet kit makes je ng easy JD Jet kit makes je ng easy Jetting the Modified Xtrainer Jetting the Modified Xtrainer Ini ally, once we installed the pipe and unrestrict- ed filter cage, as instructed we installed the red needle on the third clip posi on from the top and the retained stock 38 pilot jet. As for the main jet, as instructed by JD, we tossed the stock 150 main and installed a 162. Once warmed to temp and in the woods, we experienced the same bo om-end lean knock and hanging idle at low revs we found in stock form. Even with the air screw only a ¼ turn from fully seated, it was s ll lean down low. A er a quick phone call to JD, we installed the blue needle on the third clip down. This helped but s ll required the air screw at a ¼ turn out to keep from knocking down low. At this point, we went with a 40 pilot and set the air screw where it should be at 1.5 turns out. This se ng proved to be magic for our less than 2000 eleva on and crisp 55-degree temps. Gone was the lean bo om-end knock and it idles well and pulls without a hint of burble. We did spend some me ge ng there but the effort was rewarded with a perfect running bike. In the end, this exercise was a lot of fun. The results were astonishing with literally zero nega ves. The mild-mannered bo om-end grunt was not altered in any way yet the bike is so much more fun to ride. To sum it up, these simple mods resulted in one heck of a transforma on! Jet Kit JDB006 $84.95 JDAM44 Air Screw $19.95

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