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June 2024 37 What I enjoy the most about the vintage scene is the ght-knit group that follows these old rides. Once unearthed from decades-long slumbers, through word of mouth and social media, it doesn't take long for the back stories to be revealed. Once this old Penton Berkie was assembled, I'd posted a few teaser pics on Facebook. Less than an hour later I'd learned the en re story of this cool old ride. The original owner was a friend of AHRMA Expert and race buddy Dale Sonnenschein. Barry Somerville is his name and thanks to Dale, I had a nice long talk with him just before we sent this issue to print. Growing up in upstate New York, only a few miles from the legendary Woodstock Music Fes val, trail riding, and racing motocross was a popular ac vi- ty amongst kids. Barry relayed how he had a 90cc Yamaha HT-1 and week a er week, he'd get his bu kicked racing the 100 Class. His parents were race enthusiasts of all forms of powersports and with a small Penton dealer not far from the house, 13-year old Barry talked his dad into buying him a new '72 Penton 100 Berkshire. With excitement in his voice, Barry told the tale of how that Penton changed his tune on the track. Instantly, his days of ge ng waxed were over. He kicked bu on that li le 100 and even easily beat the 125 Yamaha's of the day. He enjoyed the bike for a few years before life got busy and the bike got pushed into a corner of the garage. Finally relen ng to the fact that he just didn't have me to give the bike its proper due, he sold it to a friend of a friend where it got passed down to the gent I purchased it from last Christmas. Even though it was taken down to the nuts and bolts, I'm glad the original finish and decals were not stripped off in the process. Barry men oned the race number 330 on the plate was his number as a kid and we're glad it's s ll there. In my opinion, li le details such as this is what gives these old rides soul. Now reincarnated we'll have fun ripping this old ride amongst the fleet of classics here in the stable. They are a great way to bring you back to the days of your youth. Simple, easy mes!

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