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8 Trail Rider Super Hunky Memorial Ride Super Hunky Memorial Ride By Don Williams, Editor, Ultimate Motorcycling By Don Williams, Editor, Ultimate Motorcycling Photos By Kelly Callan and Don Williams Photos By Kelly Callan and Don Williams I have two ironclad rules in my life—I don't go to funer- als or weddings. I have been in both and determined that they're not my thing. The last funeral I a ended got ugly, so I swore them off in the 1990s, and that's it. People who know me have heard me talk about it, so they don't have any expecta ons otherwise. On my end of things, I managed to get married without anyone in a endance other than my wife and the jus ce of the peace, and there's not going to be anything to a end when I die. However, this was something different. When I heard there was going to be a ride in Super Hunky's memory to the Husky Memorial in a remote loca on in the Mo- jave Desert, I had to go. I had never been to the Husky Memorial and had long wanted to check it out. Also, there would be an installa on of a tribute memorial to Super Hunky, and I wanted to see what his close friends and rela ves had cooked up. If you're unfamiliar with the legendary and revolu onary motorcycle writer, I'll refer you to my February 2024 Editor's Le er. It was a warm and windy May Saturday for the Super Hunky Memorial Ride to the Husky Monument that was organized by his daugh- ter Cindy. The highlight of the ride was going to be the installa on of a Super Hunky Memo- rial. When Associated Editor Kelly Callan and I ar- rived at Camp B in California City, there were dozens of people prepping for the ride. Super Hunky t-shirts were available, and the previ- ous night's campfire was s ll smoldering. Vintage motorcycles mixed seamlessly with modern rides, as did the young and old riders. Many people who a ended had never met Super Hunky. However, they weren't going to pass up the opportunity to honor a guy who was an absolute legend to the off-road riders who grew up reading his work in Dirt Bike, Modern Cycle, and beyond.

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