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10 Trail Rider Ron has been part of the Husky Memorial from the start, so it was great hearing his perspec ve on its origin and growth. He even found a friend's plaque, though it took some searching among all the other memorials. The crowd kept growing, but there was no sign of the truck hauling the Super Hunky Memorial. That wasn't much of a concern, as everyone was milling around. I was checking out the Husky Memorial for the first me, and others marveled at how much it had grown since their last visit. What started in the 1980s as a single motorcycle in a remote desert loca- on has morphed into an expanding circle contain- ing over 100 monuments to people who loved the desert and riding there. The truck eventually pulled in. The monument was unloaded, along with bags of Quikrete to secure it in the sandy soil. When the monument was compared to the hole prepped for it, it became apparent the hole wasn't nearly deep enough for the monument, which looked to be about 15 feet tall, of which about three feet needed to be in the ground. Again, this was perfect fodder for a From The Saddle column. Shovels were brought out, and more digging com- menced. Different opinions were offered about the depth and width the hole needed to be, but no one was arguing—coopera on was the theme of the day. Eventually, the consensus was that the hole was finally large enough, and it was me to install the Super Hunky Memorial. Water was mixed into the Quikrete, and two professional levels were at- tached to the memorial to ensure it wouldn't list. There were plenty of hands on deck. Eventually, the memorial was securely installed. Cindy Sieman added her handprint to the con- crete as a fi ng touch, though even that required various discussions and adjustments to the wa- ter/Quikrete ra o. A er mul ple a empts, the imprint was made.

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