Trail Rider Magazine


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About 45 miles in, riders were treated to a deli- cious lunch at "Art's Camp" a hun ng lodge deep in the mountains. With full bellies, we headed out for some more fresh-cut single-track that wound back to Fireman's Field for the gas stop. With temps bumping 90 degrees many stripped down for a quick dip in the Delaware before gearing back up for the a ernoon ride that began in the village of Lordville. This par cular sec on has epic views of the Delaware with an incredible vantage point 900 feet above the river looking north. It was at this point I met up with the "Goat Hill People", a group of revelers that so graciously offer their property for this one special day out of the year. With smiles miles wide, these fine folks high-fived riders as they flew on by. Looking to take a break, I pulled over and cha ed with the crew for a good half hour. It's always refreshing to see people enjoying the mo- ment and life in general. Shortly a er depar ng Goat Hill, the skies opened up but with the heat and humidity, there were no complaints. By this me, we were used to the condi ons and pressed on while enjoying or curs- ing the ever-challenging terrain. I'll be honest, I did bypass a few nas er sec ons to enjoy a bit of O o's secret stash at his French Woods compound, a slice of heaven amongst a region that's blessed with so much to offer us woods freaks. Saturday night the Hancock Fire Department pulled out all the stops with an enormous BBQ chicken and pulled pork dinner. How these fine men and women fed an army of 700+ dirt riders was off-the- hook impressive. As one with a wicked sweet tooth, I passed on the cold beers for a few tasty treats such as brownies, cupcakes, and homemade choc- olate chip cookies. Despite all that BBQ and sugar, I s ll slept like a bear that night in my li le spot on the banks of the Delaware. In closing, with a nasty storm approaching and a few looming commitments, I'd elected to skip Sun- day's ride and make the trek back to Maine in one piece. For those who did the same, hold your head high as O o reported less than 70 out of the 700 plus entrants finished Day One, and possibly less than 25 finished Sunday's ride. Yup, the Quarry Run is no joke!

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