Trail Rider Magazine


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Once I trusted my new bike not to hurt me, I real- ly began to enjoy the ride, and I must give thanks to Drew Smith at Works Enduro Rider once again for se ng up my suspension for this type of environment. It just eats up everything in its path with no drama or surprises. Imagine floa ng through the woods as if you're on pillows. Yes, it's that good! If you ask those who've ridden the Quarry Run in the past what their favorite part of the event was, most will say the hill climbs. I have to agree as the climbs are epic and seemingly endless. Most are located on old two-track logging roads and li ered with boulders the size of baby-heads to bowling balls. Those who enjoy challenging terrain where carrying momentum is of utmost importance, Hancock is your Mecca. The club stresses entrants spoon on a set of new res beforehand and gummy compounds can make or break you in these sec ons. With so many riders entered, as expected there will be those who either overes mated their ability levels or some who were not paying a en on to the bypass signage. It's situa ons like this that make things interes ng on the trail with large bo lenecks at mes and those doing their best not to lose momentum while choos- ing a line that works. As one whose eyesight isn't the best, I greatly enjoy challenges such as this as skill and experience overshadow speed and aggression. The feeling of accomplishment when cres ng one of these climbs can be such a confidence builder. It does wonders for one's personal cons tu on.

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