Keith Novello ►
The Latest Entrant
in to the U.S.
Offroad Recreational
nother off-road motorcycle man-
ufacturer has tossed its hat into
ring of the U.S. market: AJP, a
Portuguese manufacturer of recre-
aonal trail bikes. AJPs are being im-
ported to U.S. by MotoAJP
( out of St. Albans, VT.
The brand is named aer seven-me
Portuguese Enduro Champion Antonio
J. Pinto, and though you would think
that the two-wheeled brainchild of an
enduro champion would be compe-
on-oriented, that's really not the case.
The brand's slogan is "Easy2Ride" and
when perusing their web site you will
pick up on language like "Trail bikes that
you can race, not race bikes you strug-
gle with on the trail." AJP has been
making recreaonal trail bikes since
1987 and with that much me under
their belt, they really have the recre-
aonal aspect down. And with an
MSRP of $4,995 for the PR4, the brand
deserves some consideraon if detun-
ing a race bike isn't a place you want to
Story by Kevin Novello, Greg hewiit
and Anna Svagdyz
12 Trail Rider
Photos by Kevin Novello