bike, stay away from the pracce
track, and just go out and find some-
different to do. Maybe you
have an old gravel pit near you, or a
bunch of big hills, or even a smooth,
flat place that you could pracce flat
tracking around. Your opons are
limited by your imaginaon….and
the forces of nature. Pracce spin-
ning your bike around, wheelies or
stoppies. Pracce clutch control by
stopping half way up a steep hill and
then try to get going again. Got a big
stockpile of dirt? Hit it! Try and
make it to the top. You will be sur-
prised at how your bike handling
skills improve. I have friends that did a
ton of play riding as kids and they're
much beer at a lot of this stuff than
You will be surprised at what kind of
workout you will get by going out and
playing around. You also won't believe
how much your skill set will expand by
trying new things. It's always more fun
when you have a riding partner with you
who's into the same fooling around. Re-
member, it's about having fun: this sport
is likely cosng you me and money, so
you may as well enjoy it.
24 Trail Rider
Transioning from off-cam-
ber to uphill is a tricky move
requireing a shi in body po-
sion and smooth throle
and clutch work.